MA 293 -Dicrete Math. For more details, see Blackboard.
MA 541 - Modern Algebra I, Boston University, Fall 2024.
MA 433 - Graph Theory, Boston University, Spring 2023.
MA 242 - Linear Algebra, Boston University, Fall 2023.
Math 17 - Introduction to Mathematics Beyond Calculus: the abc conjecture, Dartmouth College, Winter 2023. For more details, see Canvas.
Math 1 - Introduction to Calculus, Dartmouth College, Fall 2021.
Math 369 - Linear Algebra, Colorado State University, Summer 2019.
Math 160 - Calculus for Physical Scientists I, Colorado State University, Spring 2019.
Math 161 - Calculus for Physical Scientists II, Colorado State University, Fall 2018.
Math 261 - Calculus for Physical Scientists III, Colorado State University, Summer 2018.
Preliminary Arizona Winter School 2022: Heights and Model Theory (PAWS): teaching assistant, Fall 2022.
Directed reading program: Elliptic Curves, Winter 2021.
Directed reading program: Introduction to Algebraic Geometry, Winter 2020.
Assistant director at PACe (Paced Algebra to Calculus electronically), Fall 2019 - Summer 2020.